As I understand it, under the terms of the present license the club is not allowed to rent out rooms for functions or to advertise. Under the terms of the new license these things will now be permissable and should enable the club to get themselves back on a firm financial footing. I understand that money has already been put into the club to get the utility bills sorted out and the power and heating issues resolved. You may also have noticed that the large room has already been redecorated and I believe that the main bar area and the toilets are next on the list for refurbishment. The Fenton Sports & Social Club name will disappear over the next few weeks and it will be known as the Tramway Community Centre, or something very similar, and George will continue to be the Manager. Let me assure you that nothing changes as far as the chess club is concerned. The Social Club remains open and we will continue to play there. The only change as far as we are concerned is that we will have to change any references to the Fenton Sports & Social Club on our website, and any other sites that mention it, to reflect the new name.
The chess club will continue to be known as Fenton Chess Club.