It was not a good start to the season for the B Team against a strong Newcastle B Team last night. Fenton players were outgraded on all but one of the boards so we knew it was going to be tough, especially since Kasian Capatina, our usual Board 2, was unavailable to play.
We were soon in trouble. On Board 1, Barry Jones took full advantage of Petru's uncoordinated pieces and on Board 3 Glyn lost a piece quite early in the game. Steve tried out the Budapest Gambit and seemed to get some initiative but his opponent remained solid which led to a draw. Julian seemed to have a good set-up but next time I saw his game he had lost his queen! My own win on Board 2 was a direct result of a serious error in the opening by my young opponent who played on until he resigned two pieces down and with his king and queen in jeopardy.
For match card and results, click here